
A Welcome from Our President and Head of School

About: The History and Why of HSP

Holy Spirit Prep is a unique community of faith and joy, 在那里,家庭和教师共同努力,培养快乐健康的有信仰的青年男女,他们的特点是懂得如何在我们这个时代生活的审慎,以及追求上帝赐予的才能的伟大灵魂. 我们的学生阅读伟大的作品,模仿英雄的生活,生活文化.

圣灵预备学校成立于1996年,是由圣灵天主教堂的家长和教友发起的, under the leadership of its pastor, Msgr. 爱德华·狄龙,他希望自己的孩子能接受真正的天主教教育. This new independent Catholic school, initially known as the Donnellon School, after Archbishop Thomas Donnellon of Atlanta, 以提供天主教教育的清晰而持久的愿景建立, Classical, and Complete. 填补了一个非常需要的位置,HSP在2006年成长为第一批高中毕业生.

Today, 在天主教会和西方文明的教育遗产中,对形成整个学生的教育的承诺仍然是圣灵预备社区背后的驱动力. 我们寻求提供一种超越时尚、潮流或潮流的永恒教育, 回应教会的福音使命和教会对天主教学校的愿景:“在所有教育工具中,学校具有特殊的重要性. 它的设计不仅是要特别小心地发展智力,而且要形成正确判断的能力, to hand on the cultural legacy of previous generations, to foster a sense of values, to prepare for professional life.” (Vatican II, Gravissimum educationis, 5).

As you learn more about Holy Spirit Prep, 考虑参观我们的校园或十大玩彩信誉平台十大玩彩信誉平台部门了解更多信息. 我们很乐意与您分享圣灵预备学校的伟大礼物! Veni, Sancte Spiritus! Come, Holy Spirit!

Learn About Our Graduates

The goal of any education is the well-formed, properly prepared, 蓬勃发展的研究生和圣灵预备学校在这些毕业生的美妙果实中丰富多彩. 我们校友的个人资料是他们接受的形成的证明-我们邀请您通过阅读他们的故事来了解更多. Further, 毕业生的肖像是什么圣灵准备寻求形成在每一个学生和毕业生的表达.

Portrait of an HSP Graduate


  • 认识到他们的无限价值和尊严的人在上帝自己的形象;
  • Embrace and live the teachings of the Catholic faith;
  • 根据福音的客观真理来塑造他们的良心;
  • 每天祈祷,忠实地参加弥撒,默想创造之美;
  • Treasure the blessings of their own families;
  • 用爱和对他人善良的希望来处理人际关系;
  • Share the love of Christ with those who do not yet know Him;
  • Seek to be happy and generous husbands and wives, and fathers and mothers, when called to married life;
  • 当蒙召进入司铎或修会生活时,要在圣召中寻求快乐和慷慨;
  • 具备传统文理学科的综合知识;
  • 深入思考,有逻辑,有想象力,并虔诚地根据正确的理由做出决定;
  • 通过书面和口头语言进行清晰的沟通;
  • 自信地参与各种体育、艺术和智力活动;
  • 保持健康的工作、休闲、运动和休息习惯;
  • 拥抱他们的公民义务,通过个人参与改善他们的社区;
  • Possess magnanimous character with generous hearts;
  • Appreciate profoundly the Holy Spirit Prep communion, and consider themselves as sustaining members of it;
  • 在他们的学院、教区和社会团体中担任领袖;
  • 负责任地利用技术和媒体来培养真实的关系;
  • 保护未出生者、老人、穷人和受难者的尊严;
  • 在基督教慈善中尊重不同的文化和信仰;
  • Thirst to acquire new knowledge continually;
  • 体验真正的自由,这是美德生活的果实;
  • 带着喜乐的盼望盼望在天堂与神共度永生.

Our History




The school is founded at 4820 Long Island Drive, with only six classrooms and 75 students in grades K-5. Monsignor Dillon, president and rector, holds Mass every day in the halls, keeping the school grounded in the Faith.




The school receives SAIC accreditation.


学校在北侧路4449号(毗邻圣灵天主教堂)的一个长期设想的高中校园破土动工。. Two buildings are constructed in nine months, and the campus is named after the Archbishop of Atlanta, John F. Donoghue.


9th and 10th-grade classes open on the new campus. Now with two campus locations, 学校社区投票决定将学校改名为圣灵预备学校.


Upper School opens.


With the addition of the Upper School, 圣灵预备学校获得SAIC和SAC认证.






学校被红衣主教纽曼协会认可为全国前50名天主教高中之一,因为“天主教身份的整体卓越”, academics, and civics education.”




The U.S. 教育部命名圣灵预备学校为蓝带学校.


The Lower School and soccer field are renovated.


Kyle M. Pietrantonio is named Head of School, Monsignor Edward J. Dillon named Rector, and Joann G. Jones elected Chair of the Board.










The official STEM Department is created.

Throughout its growth, 圣灵预备学校一直努力保持忠实于其最初的愿景,一个紧密结合的社区,致力于天主教门徒和全面的古典教育. 圣灵预备学校的传统仍然植根于信仰的表达, 让每个孩子在充满鼓励和学习机会的氛围中茁壮成长, spiritual, and emotional growth.

Benefits of an Independent Catholic School


As an independent Catholic school, 圣灵预备学校拥有完全的课程和教学控制权, 这些都是建立在几个世纪以来天主教教育的最佳实践基础上,并考虑到学生的个性化需求.


圣灵预备学校的学生有独特的特权准备和接受他们的第一次圣餐, First Reconciliation, 和同学朋友一起通过学校进行坚信礼. 在其他天主教学校,学生被要求通过他们的教区接受这些圣礼.

Classroom Environment

As an independent school, 圣灵预备学校有灵活性和自主权来控制其班级规模. 通过保持对招聘和薪酬实践的直接控制, 我们可以吸引和留住天主教教育中最优秀的教师.

Our Faculty & Staff

Mr. John Angelle
Mr. John Angelle
Job Title 1
Dean of Lower School
Mrs. Michelle Bertany
Mrs. Michelle Bertany
Job Title 1
Vice President and Principal
Ms. Clare Braski
Ms. Clare Braski
Job Title 1
Lower School Faculty
Ms. Christina Brinson
Ms. Christina Brinson
Job Title 1
Preschool Faculty
Ms. Debora E. Brown
Ms. Debora E. Brown
Job Title 1
Director of Business and Finance
Mr. Will Caddell
Mr. Will Caddell
Job Title 1
High School Math
Mrs. Nelida Ceron
Mrs. Nelida Ceron
Job Title 1
Preschool Spanish
Mr. Vincent Ceyssens
Mr. Vincent Ceyssens
Job Title 1
IT Coordinator
Deacon Michael Chernick
Deacon Michael Chernick
Job Title 1
High School Science
Mrs. Mary Michael Christopherson
Mrs. Mary Michael Christopherson
Job Title 1
Lower School Faculty
Mr. Thomas Cole
Mr. Thomas Cole
Job Title 1
Dean of Academics
Job Title 2
Chair, Department of Theology & Humanities
Ms. Elisabeth Cox
Ms. Elisabeth Cox
Job Title 1
Preschool Teacher

Questions? Contact each department directly:


被列入天主教官方名录,并被亚特兰大大主教批准为独立的天主教学校, 圣灵预备学校由乔治亚州501(c)(3)免税组织拥有和经营. While the school is not sponsored, financially supported, 或受任何宗教团体或教会控制, 基督军团为学校提供了一名首席牧师,负责监督学校学生和教师的精神和圣礼指导. 首席牧师由学校董事会批准,并向校长汇报.

The Board of Trustees

作为一个自我延续的实体,校董会负责管理学校. The Board defines the school’s mission and strategy, manages its financial resources, and oversees the Head of School. 董事会成员目前由圣灵天主教会牧师组成, the chaplain for Our Lady of Perpetual Help Cancer Home, three current Holy Spirit Prep parents, five parents of HSP alumni, and one Holy Spirit parishioner. 学校校长及总牧师亦为董事局无表决权的当然委员.

董事会目前通过四个正式委员会运作:执行委员会, the Facilities Committee, the Finance Committee and the Strategic Planning Committee. Only current members serve on the Executive Committee. 其余的董事会委员会由现任成员和圣灵预备社区的其他成员组成.

Kevin Twomey
Kevin Twomey
Fr. Luke Ballman
Father Luke Ballman
Monsignor Edward J. Dillon
Monsignor Edward J. Dillon
Father Paul Burke, JCL
Father Paul Burke, JCL
Joann Jones
Joann Jones
Kelly Angelo
Kelly Angelo
Matthew S. Coles
Matthew S. Coles
David Hanna
David Hanna
David Cusimano
David Cusimano
Frank Hanna
Frank Hanna
Neil Johnson
Neil Johnson
Senator Kelly Loeffler
Senator Kelly Loeffler

Meetings of the Board and Board Committees

校董会通常每年在高年级校园举行几次会议. 董事会各委员会采用符合其要求的会议时间表.

委员会目前通过四个正式委员会运作. Only current members serve on the Executive Committee. 其余董事会委员会由现任成员组成, 以及圣灵预备社区的其他成员. Below is a 董事会各委员会的名单及各委员会的简介. School-related matters not listed as 以下委员会职责由执行委员会或全体董事会审议 and are managed by the Head of School.

Executive Committee

Composed of the Chair of the Board, the Rector, and other members of the board, 执行委员会负责审核供全体董事会审议的事项,并向校长提供咨询意见. Joann Jones currently serves as chair of this committee.

Facilities Committee

该委员会就学校的物理设施及其属性(包括其专业)提供建议 buildings, athletic fields, and undeveloped land. 董事会董事Neil Johnson目前担任该委员会主席.

Finance Committee

This committee oversees the finances of the school, 审核和批准年度预算,监督有关学校收支的政策和程序. 董事会董事David Cusimano目前担任该委员会主席.

Strategic Planning Committee

该委员会与学校校长和其他董事会委员会密切合作,为学校制定和执行长期战略. 弗兰克·汉纳(Frank Hanna)主任目前担任该委员会主席.

Join Our Team

Join Our Team

圣灵预备学校是位于亚特兰大北部的一所独立的天主教大学预备学校. 我们以基督为中心的环境优先教育整个孩子,使他们不仅在未来的学习中取得成功, but also in his or her unique vocation.

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Holy Spirit Preparatory School

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